Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

26705 - Scientific English for medicine

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26705 - Scientific English for medicine
Faculty / School:
104 - Facultad de Medicina
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
304 - Degree in Medicine
305 - Degree in Medicine
Second semester
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

For a Medical student, the knowledge of the English language plays an important role as this language is, nowadays, the global language of scientific communication. Therefore, its use is indispensable in bibliographical, new technologies and communication research, among others

1.2. Recommendations to take this course

Students are reminded  that te course is given in English and, thus, it is recommended that they have a B1 level, of the European model

2.1. Learning goals

The student, to pass this course,will have to show the following results:

The student knows the characteristics of scientific English, a language which will be essential in the development of this future professional functions.

The student possesses the abilities of general reading comprehension, to understand and interpret scientific texts, as well as specific writing.

The student is able to deliver a basic oral presentation.

The student knows specific vocabulary related to his English studies.

2.2. Importance of learning goals

The learning outcomes offer the student the possibility of counting on a tool, the English language, which will let them widen their knowledge about the content of other courses of the Degree.

Thanks to these outcomes, the student will be able to give a formative continuity to their studies, not only in the university student stage, but also in their professional activity, as most specialised literature is published in English, and international congresses are numerous.

The student will count on an important help to continue being trained throughout their career.

3.1. Aims of the course

The course and its expected outcomes respond to the following approaches and objectives:

The acquisition of the basic tools to manage successfully in the most common communicative situations, linked with the Medical field, as well as to handle and produce specific materials for this discipline, in the English language.

3.2. Competences

When passing the course, the student will be more competent to....

Improve his knowledge and use of a second language, in this case, English.

Apply theoretical knowledge to performance.

Recognize the need to plan and manage time, and to do it efficiently

Work in the abilities of management of information (skill to search, analyse and choose information from different sources), and be able to transmit and present the knowledge acquired after investigation.

Work in an international context.

Work in a team.

4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

The student will demonstrate that they have reached the expected learning outcomes by means of the following assessment activities.

1. A final written exam, on the appointed date for each call, which will include the following parts:

a) Reading comprehension, intensive and extensive: 20%

b) Listening comprehension: 20%

c) Morphosyntaxis and vocabulary: 20%

d) Writing: 20%

2. P:resentation, in class, of a group work, or final oral interview, depending on the professsor's considerations: 20%


In the exam, students will have to demonstrate the knowledge acquired throughout the course:

Morphosyntaxis and vocabulary. Students will solve exercises that will be similar to those done during the term, in which the grammatical correction in structures, which may be used in a medical context, will be valued, as well as the precise use of technical words related to Medicine, or definition of concepts.

Reading comprehension. It will include at least a text about an aspect of the syllabus. Students will answer global comprehension questions, or specific data or information that will be deductible from the text.

Listening comprehension. Students will prepare a presentation about a topic of the specialisation, by pairs or individually, which will be assessed individually. The presentation will take place in the classroom, following the norms which will be previously explained. In these presentations, students will use a PowerPoint document, which will be handled in to the professor, together with an written material used for the preparation of the presentation. The dates for the presentations will be decided during the term.

Writing. Students will elaborate a composition about a topic related to the course. In this section, not adapting to the task or the popic is a criterion for evaluation, being able to obtain a 0 in the qualification fo this skill.


Assessment criteria

In the evaluation activities the following aspects will be valued:


Oral expression/interaction: fluency, phonetic correction, message clarity, lexical, grammatical, pragmatical and communicative adequacy (use of strategies not to resort to the mother tongue)


Written expression: message relevance and adequacy of ideas to the proposed topic: communicative capacity, organization, clarity and choherence, morphosyntactic, lexical and orthographic adequacy, stylistic adequacy.



If a student did not attend seminars and did not deliver an oral presentation, they will have to speak, before the exam, to the teacher to fix a date and place for the oral part of the exam.



Students who have not passed the exam, or did not take the exam, (either the oral or the written part) in the first call will be able to take the part of the exam failed, or both sections, on the date appointed by the Centre, for the second call.


Assessment system

The student must obtain a 50% of the total to obtain a pass qualification.


According to the current legislation, the qualifications will be the following:


From 50% to 69%: pass C

From 70% to 89% outstanding B

From 90%: excellent A

The grade "with honours" will be given with an excellent A grade, according to th professor's criteria.




5.1. Methodological overview

Theory class


The teacher explains the theoretical basis, with the support of various resources.


The student takes notes, asks doubts, comments on the new elements that are introduced in the explanations.



Group directed work


The teacher presents the objectives, assesses about the realization of the work, supervises the development, if necessary.


The student works in a group and presents the result to the whole class.



Personalised tutored hours


The teacher advises and solves suggested questions.


The student proposes difficulties and receives guidance.

5.2. Learning tasks

The programme that is offered to the student to help him achieve the expected outcomes includes the following activities....

Individual, pair and group work, during the term, related to grammar, vocabulary, written and oral expression, written and oral comprehension.


Oral presentation of a group work.

5.3. Syllabus

Oxford English for Careers. Medicine:


Unit 1: Presenting complaints

Unit 2: Working in general practice

Unit 3: Instructions and procedures

Unit 4: Explaining and reassuring

Unit 5: Dealing with medication

Unit 6: Lifestyle


Practical Sessions:

- Presenting complaints

- Social/family history

- Referral letters, case reports, prescriptions

- Dealing with patients

- First aid, accidents and emergencies

- Healthy/unhealthy eating

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Calendar of classroom sessions and presentations


The schedule and classroom of the course will be determined in each term

The official exam dates will be published on the webpage of the Faculty of Medicine

The professor will indicate the calendar for the oral presentations.


Planning of sessions

Theoretical group sessions: 2 hours per week

Practical sessions: 3 hours per week

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Se recomienda al alumno tener como manual de referencia el libro Oxford English for Careers. Medicine, de Oxford University Press, además del material que le proporcionará la profesora.

Pueden resultar de utilidad los siguientes diccionarios y manuales:

  • McCarter, Sam. Medicine. 1, Student's Book / Sam McCarter . Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009
  • Swan, Michael. Basic English usage / Michael Swan . [1st ed., 30th impr.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009
  • Diccionario Mosby pocket de medicina, enfermería y ciencias de la salud . 4ª ed. Barcelona [etc.] : Elsevier, D.L.2009
  • Murphy, Raymond. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English : with answers / Raymond Murphy . 3rd ed., 14th printing Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004 (imp. 2009
  • Collin, P.H.. Dictionary of medicine / P.H. Collin . 3rd ed. Middlesex : Peter Collin Publishing, 2000
  • Navarro, Fernando A.. Diccionario crítico de dudas inglés-español de medicina / Fernando A. Navarro . 2ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2005
  • Eastwood, John. A basic english grammar / John Eastwood, Ronald Mackin . [1st. ed., 11th. imp.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991
  • Collin, P.H.. Dictionary of medicine / P.H. Collin . 3rd ed. Middlesex : Peter Collin Publishing, 2000
  • Navarro, Fernando A.. Diccionario crítico de dudas inglés-español de medicina / Fernando A. Navarro . 2ª ed. rev.; 2ª reimp. Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill Interamericana, D.L.2010
  • Diccionario Mosby pocket de medicina, enfermería y ciencias de la salud . 4ª ed. Ámsterda ; Barcelona ; Madrid [etc.] : Elsevier, D.L.2009
  • Ehrlich, Ann Beard. Medical terminology for health professions / Ann Ehrlich, Carol L. Schroeder . 5th. ed. New York [etc.] : Thomson Delmar Learning, cop. 2005
  • Eastwood, John. A basic english grammar / John Eastwood, Ronald Mackin . [1st ed., 11th. imp.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991
  • Swan, Michael. Basic English Usage : edición española / Michael Swan ; adaptación y traducción por Brian Mott y Mª Pilar García . 1st publ., 6th imp. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988 (1997 imp.)
  • McCullagh, Marie.. Good practice : communication skills in English for the medical practitioner. Student's book / Marie McCullagh, Ros Wright . - 1st publ. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008
  • Ehrlich, Ann Beard. Medical terminology for health professions / Ann Ehrlich, Carol L. Schroeder . 5th. ed. New York [etc.] : Thomson Delmar Learning, cop. 2005
  • Glendinning, Eric H.. Professional English in use. Medicine / Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard . 1st ed., repr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007
  • McCarthy, Michael. Academic vocabulary in use : 50 units of academic vocabulary reference and practice : self-study and classroom use / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell . 1st publ., 5th. printing Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011